Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Major
Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Studies is a program that prepares individuals to use computer applications and related visual and sound imaging techniques to manipulate images and information originating as film, video, still photographs, digital copy, soundtracks, and physical objects in order to communicate messages simulating real-world content.
Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Studies majors and degree programs will cover courses in specialized camerawork and equipment operation and maintenance, image capture, computer programming, dubbing, CAD applications, and applications to specific commercial, industrial, and entertainment needs.
What can you do with a major/degree in Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Studies?
A major/degree in this field will provide you with enticing opportunities in not only animation, user interface, special effects, and video graphics across many of the industry sectors including (but not exclusive to) architecture, advertising, and engineering. For example, job titles of 3D modeling specialist, user interface designer, interaction designer, and digital storyboard artist. Of course, the career path you follow during your degree program will determine your focus area and level of entry into the field.
Trade Associations and Professional Organizations in Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Studies:
Professional associations are groups of professionals dedicated to topics in specific fields. Professional associations provide a wealth of online resources, some of which are geared specifically towards students. These organizations typically also host conferences and events, providing great opportunities for learning and networking across your field of interest.
Publications/Magazines in Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and Special Effects Studies: