Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation Major
This is a program focusing on the principles and techniques of conducting investigations into financial crime, terrorist activity, and the analysis and use of accounting data as evidence.
Includes instruction in the principles of accounting, investigative auditing, computer investigations, accounting system documents and software, business corruption, criminal and terrorist financial networks, international money markets and movement, net worth analysis, financial fraud, exposing concealed assets, records seizure, fraud and money laundering statutes, fraud case initiation, case management, and case presentation.
What can you do with a major/degree in Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation Major?
With a degree in Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation, you are probably contemplating a career where you will work to detect, investigate, and resolve instances of financial fraud and crime. Some job titles include forensic accountant, forensic financial analyst, risk investigator, forensic auditor, and coding compliance officer.
Trade Associations and Professional Organizations in Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation Major
Professional associations are groups of professionals dedicated to topics in specific fields. Professional associations provide a wealth of online resources, some of which are geared specifically towards students. These organizations typically also host conferences and events, providing great opportunities for learning and networking across your field of interest.
- International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts
- Fraternal Order of Police
- National Association of Police Organizations
- American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens
- Infragard
- American Association of Code Enforcement
Publications/Magazines in Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation