Veterinary Medicine Major

Veterinary Medicine Major


Veterinary Medicine Major

This major is a program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of veterinary medicine, involving the diagnosis, treatment, and health care management of animals and animal populations and the prevention and management of zoonosis.

Includes instruction in the veterinary basic sciences, infectious and noninfectious disease, diagnostic procedures, veterinary clinical medicine, obstetrics, radiology, anesthesiology, surgery, toxicology, animal health and preventive medicine, clinical nutrition, practice management, and professional standards and ethics.

What can you do with a major/degree in Veterinary Medicine Major?

There are many career options for those who wish to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine.  Veterinary specialists and practicing veterinarians can choose from private clinical practices, working for government agencies, and working for non-profits.  The career field is not limited to that of a veterinarian.  Zoology, animal science, veterinary nurse, and veterinary technologists are options as well.


Trade Associations and Professional Organizations in Veterinary Medicine Major

Professional associations are groups of professionals dedicated to topics in specific fields. Professional associations provide a wealth of online resources, some of which are geared specifically towards students. These organizations typically also host conferences and events, providing great opportunities for learning and networking across your field of interest.



Publications/Magazines in Veterinary Medicine